Voici les éléments 22-24 de 25

    • L'endothélium, site de production et de métabolisme des peptides vaso-actifs 

      Corvol, P; Alhenc-Gélas, F; Soubrier, F (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1993)
      The vascular endothelium possesses many properties, including production and metabolism of vasoactive peptides. This is a key function for the control of the vascular tone and of the structure of the arterial wall. Three ...
    • Le récepteur de la thrombine et ses implications dans la prolifération des cellules vasculaires 

      VanObberghen-Schilling, E; Pouysségur, J (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1993)
      The serine protease thrombin, most widely known for its pivotal role in blood coagulation, is just beginning to be recognized as an important initiator of post-clotting processes and growth stimulator. Thrombin is a potent ...
    • L'innervation cholinergique de la paroi vasculaire 

      Chédotal, A; Hamel, E (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1993)
      The wall of blood vessels involved in both peripheral and extracerebral circulations is innervated by parasympathetic cholinergic fibers. These fibers induce an endothelium-dependent relaxation which involves synthesis and ...