Voici les éléments 19-21 de 25

    • Effets de l'huile de poisson sur la resténose coronarienne après angioplastie 

      Bairati, I (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1993)
      Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is an established alternative treatment for patients with coronary artery disease. However, this technic is restricted by complications such as the recurrence of stenosis, ...
    • Le vieillissement de la paroi artérielle 

      Belmin, J; Tedgui, A (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1993)
      Several changes in structure and function of the arterial wall have been described in association with aging. In the media, elastic fibers show fragmentations, and the collagen/elastin ratio is increased. Glycated proteins ...
    • Monoxyde d'azote et hypertension artérielle 

      Michel, JB; Arnal, JF (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1993)
      The relaxing endothelial function, dependent on NO-synthase activity and cyclic GMP production, plays a tonic role in the regulation of arterial vasomotricity. The endothelial NO-synthase activity is dependent on endothelial ...