Voici les éléments 22-24 de 24

    • Domaines fonctionnels de l'enveloppe du VIH-1 et anticorps neutralisants 

      Brand, D.; Truong, C.; Barin, F. (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1994)
      Two different epitopes located within the surface glycoprotein (gp120) of HIV1 induce the vast majority of neutralizing antibodies during natural infection. The first of them is a sequential epitope present in the third ...
    • Lumière sur le calcium 

      Pavoine, C; Pecker, F (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1994)
      In the late 1960s, micro injections of giant muscle cells with aequorin, a Ca2+-triggered bioluminescent protein, gave rise to the first measurements of cytosolic free calcium in living cells. Though partially eclipsed for ...
    • Hormones, oscillations et vagues calciques 

      Claret, M.; Mauger, J.P. (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1994)