Voici les éléments 19-21 de 24

    • Les endozépines, ligands endogènes des récepteurs des benzodiazépines 

      Tonon, M.C.; Smih-Rouet, F.; Lamacz, M.; Louiset, E.; Pelletier, G.; Vaudry, H. (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1994)
      Because of their anxiolytic, sedative and myo-relaxant properties, benzodiazepines are among the most commonly used drugs in clinical practice. The actions of benzodiazepines are mediated by two classes of receptors i.e. ...
    • Transduction d'oncogènes par les rétrovirus : étapes et mécanismes. 

      Felder, M.P.; Eychenne, A.; Marx, M.; Calothy, G. (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1994)
      Oncogene transduction, the process by which a cellular gene is captured by a retrovirus, was mainly described invivo. We have developed a biological system allowing stepwise analysis of transduction mechanisms in tissue ...
    • Spécificité de l'action des protéine kinases et phosphatases dans la cellule 

      Keryer, G; Bailly, E (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1994)
      The broad substrate specificity of most of the kinases and phosphatases, the enzymes involved in the reversible phosphorylation of proteins, must be restricted in vivo to further ensure an efficient and precise signaling. ...