Voici les éléments 1-10 de 167
Chroniques génomiques : Une publication impulsive…
(Éditions EDK/Groupe EDP Sciences, 2011)
Chroniques génomiques - Thérapie génique germinale, le retour ?
(Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, 2015)
The recent development of a powerful and flexible genome editing technique (the CRISP-cas9 method) accelerates tremendously the production of animal models and will significantly enhance the perspectives of (somatic) gene ...
Chroniques génomiques - De l’exome à l’avatar : vers une « oncologie de précision » ?
(Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, 2014)
According to recent reports, the success rate of targeted therapy directed by “actionable mutations” found in tumour DNA is rather low (10 to 20%). Interesting attempts have been made to improve this by establishing mouse ...
Chroniques génomiques - Séquençage d’ADN: l’offensive des nanopores
(Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, 2017)
A practical DNA sequencer based on nanopores has now demonstrated interesting performance and may be on the way to capturing a significant slice of the sequencing market while opening up new application fields thanks to ...
Chroniques génomiques - Dépistage du cancer : les promesses illusoires de Pathway Genomics
(Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, 2015)
The “liquid biopsy” approach shows promise for characterization and monitoring of cancer during treatment; however a blood-based detection test for “high-risk” but asymptomatic individuals, recently introduced by Pathway ...
Chroniques génomiques - Sommet de Washington : feu orange pour la thérapie germinale ?
(Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, 2016)
The summit organised in early December 2015 considered in depth the various issues (technical, scientific, societal and ethical) raised by the prospect of genome editing using the extremely effective CRISPR system. Germline ...
Chroniques génomiques - Les débuts de CRISPR en thérapie génique
(Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, 2016)
Two clinical trials using CRISPR technology to engineer the T cells of cancer patients by inactivating the gene for immune checkpoint molecule PD-1 are (almost) underway, one in the USA and the other in China. The less ...
Chroniques génomiques - Cancer :faut-il viser la lune ?
(Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, 2016)
The recently announced “Cancer moonshot” may be greeted with scepticism: the previous “War on cancer” (1971) was not very successful. However the current plan seems well targeted, with emphasis not only on research investment ...
Chroniques génomiques - Variants rares et explosion démographique
(Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, 2014)
The abundance of rare variants in human DNA is the consequence of tremendous recent expansion of our population. Careful measurement of neutral variants in a European population points to more recent and more rapid expansion ...
Chroniques génomiques- HGP-write : après la lecture, l’écriture ?
(Éditions EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, 2016)
The recently proposed « HGP-write » project aims to synthetize a full human genome and to introduce it into cells. This ambitious endeavour is fraught with financial and technical uncertainties and, if successful, would ...