Voici les éléments 46-48 de 260

    • Explorer de nouveaux domaines SH2/SH3 

      Moore, B.; Seroussi, G.; Jochim, B. (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1993)
      SH2 domains have been found in a wide range of non receptor tyrosine kinases, such as GAP, phospholipase Cy-1 and the non catalytic phosphorylated regions in growth factor tyrosine kinases. A better understanding of SH2 ...
    • La segmentation du mésoderme chez les vertébrés 

      Duban, J.L. (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1993)
    • Retard de croissance intra-utérin et déficit en néphrons 

      Merlet-Bénichou, C.; Leroy, B.; Gilbert, T.; Lelievre-Pégorier, M. (John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, 1993)
      The number of nephrons at birth is normally quite fixed in any species. Severe renal hypoplasia is readily detected because of functional insufficiency, but moderate inborn nephron deficits may exist, yeat remain undetected. ...