Relations entre secteurs public et privé dans la recherche sur le génome.
Les recherches sur le génome
humain, lancées à l’origine par
les institutions de recherche
publiques ou philanthropiques,
reposent aujourd’hui sur une
structure triangulaire qui relie les
laboratoires publics, les sociétés
privées de biotechnologie et les
laboratoires pharmaceutiques. Si
l’on admet que les collaborations
et les transferts entre recherche
publique et recherche privée sont
indispensables pour développer
les recherches et les innovations
biomédicales, il convient de
concevoir les règles d’une
coopération équilibrée,
d’encourager le partage et la
dissémination des données et de
régler le format et l’usage des
brevets dans ce domaine
d’activité spécifique. The upsurge of biotechnologies and especially of genome projects is taking place in a context of increasing interplay between science and the market place. Collaboration and partnership between the public and private research sectors are at the heart of a new economy. A large number of contracts now link universities to biotechnology firms, to large pharmaceutical companies and a number of researchers are involved in the creation and development of start-up companies. Through this cooperation, a private research market is developing, mainly based on private databases sold under license to pharmaceutical or agri-food firms, as well as to scientific and medical institutions. In 1991, the NIH were first to file patent applications for gene labels. In 1997, public research institutions accounted for 36 of all genome-related patent applications. The strengthening of ties between scientific institutions and private firms, as well as the management of information with both academic and commercial values, underline the need for new regulations between the public and private research domains. These should invigorate the openness of the research system, and stimulate cooperation and successful technology transfer from academic laboratories to industry. [References: 19]
Pour citer ce document
Cassier, M, Relations entre secteurs public et privé dans la recherche sur le génome., Med Sci (Paris), 2000, Vol. 16, N° 1; p.26-30